
Mr. Ashok Sircar

Ashok Sircar leads the Centre for Local Democracy. He has been with Azim Premji University from 2011, and for the last five years, had headed the School of Development. He teaches a course on Political Economy of Land and Development in India, and Local Democracy and Development in India. He also earlier taught a course on Women and Work in India. Ashok has worked in the Electronics industry for 15 years producing very sophisticated electronic components for space and military applications, followed by a stint in the NGO sector working for another 12 years, in grassroot to international organisations, and the last 10 years in academia.
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM

Bhopal, MP Aug 1 – Flourishing Rural Madhya Pradesh: Strategies for Regenerative Growth and Prosperity | Bhopal

Panel Discussion 1

"Quality Life Outcomes for Rural Madhya Pradesh through effective local governance "
Explore the critical role of effective local governance in enhancing living standards in rural Madhya Pradesh. This panel will discuss strategies for improving healthcare, education, and infrastructure to achieve sustainable development and quality life outcomes.Explore the critical role of effective local governance in enhancing living standards in rural Madhya Pradesh. This panel will discuss strategies for improving healthcare, education, and infrastructure to achieve sustainable development and quality life outcomes.

- R Parasuram
- Mr. Malay Shrivastava
- Mr. M Selvendran
- Ms. Rama Pandey
- Mr. Ashok Sircar
- Mr. Yogesh Kumar
- Mr. Anurag