
Mr. Shraman Jha

CEO, Hindustan Unilever Foundation.
Shraman Jha is a seasoned management professional with over three decades of experience spanning multiple industries across emerging markets in India, Bangladesh, Africa, and the Middle East. Currently, he serves as the CEO of the Hindustan Unilever Foundation, where he focuses on ensuring water security in India. Mr. Jha's career is marked by significant achievements in various sectors, including consumer goods, media, and education. His expertise encompasses sales and distribution restructuring, brand marketing, supply chain management, finance, and human resources. He has demonstrated particular skill in transforming organizational structures and leading innovative marketing initiatives. Mr. Jha has made notable contributions to food productivity advocacy through animal health initiatives in South Asia. His efforts in enhancing nutrition security have led to the development of influential networks across governments, international organizations like Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), the food industry, and media. He holds an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, an MA in Economics from the University of Pune, and a BA (Hons) in Economics from St. Stephen's College, Delhi. His commitment to continuous learning is evident in his selection as a British Chevening Senior Scholar at the London School of Economics and as a fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar-21st Century Trust. Beginning his professional journey with Unilever in 1993, Mr. Jha has held various key positions throughout his career. His passion for environmental causes led him to work with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), where he played a crucial role in advancing their conservation and sustainability agenda. He also serves on the board of GALVmed, an Edinburgh-based non-profit supporting small-scale livestock producers in sub-Saharan Africa.
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Raipur, CG Aug 1 – Rural Transformation for Viksit Chhattisgarh: Fuelling the Rural Economy with Climate-Smart Green Growth | Raipur

Thematic session 2

Climate Action for Viksit Chhattisgarh: Locality Compacts Advancing Technology Based Water Security and Rural Livelihoods Solutions
Focus on climate action in Chhattisgarh by advancing technology-based solutions for water security and rural livelihoods. Esteemed speakers will discuss innovative approaches to address climate challenges and enhance water availability and agricultural productivity.

- Ms. Niharika Barik
- Mr. Sreenivasa Rao
- Mr. Shraman Jha
- Mr. Andrew Fleming